Seminar 2022 – Looking Back

Although Seminar was nearly a month ago, it doesn’t mean the excitement is over yet! Since I attended virtually this year, my yearly recognition was mailed to my home – and arrived TODAY! 🤩 I hate to admit it – but I am 100% a “pat on the back” kind of girl – recognition means SO much to me. I work hard at this business I love so much, so when I am recognized for my achievements – it truly makes my heart SWELL. 🥰
The first photo is the recognition (and swag) that I earned during the past Seminar Year. The remaining photos are my collection of recognition from all my years with SeneGence – which is now, almost unbelievably, five. In fact, I was so busy being excited about my job last month, that I nearly forgot that I had a SeneVersary! 😱 I began in early April 2017, just as Seminar was happening. For me, the Seminar year isn’t just how corporate measures our time and accomplishments – it’s how I see my years here, too.
While this year, I didn’t meet every goal – I don’t own a tiara (🤣), I’m not at the top of any lists, and my numbers weren’t QUITE as high as they were last year – I am reminded that I also took nearly a QUARTER of the year off, packed up my entire home, and moved across the country – all while having a job that afforded me the flexibility to do so. Even though my job wasn’t in full motion, I was able to keep it moving – and when I look back, that’s just so unbelievable – especially in these crazy times. And I STILL hit a few of my major goals – and that in itself is such a huge WIN. 🥰
I guess what I’m saying is… I’m proud of myself. And I love this little “pat on the back”. I am GRATEFUL to my amazing SWAK Squad team, my treasured customers and supportive friends who have made my love for this business SO simple and easy. I feel blessed to be able to wake up each day, connect with AMAZING people, share things I love – and call it work. 😊
To each and every one of YOU who has supported my business in even the smallest way over these last five years… referring my services, signed up on my team, liked my posts, commented on them, sharing my content on social, and of course – chose to shop with me, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.